Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion

Oleh Kirashchuk lives in Kolomyia city in Ivano-Frankivsk regions and earns a living on Easter eggs. He presents his works on the Internet and sells them abroad.

His three-bedroom apartment is at the same time his studio. Magazines and sketches of drawn eggs, baskets with pysankas and order forms are scattered all over. In a month, a man creates up to 60 Easter eggs.

Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion

And once the Italian fashion house Gucci decided to base its new collection on the patterns of Easter eggs by Oleh – they “borrowed” his rhombs, chamomiles, lines and more.

We invite you to enjoy the beauty and see everything with your own eyes.

Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion
Pysanky Designs in Gucci Fashion

And now enjoy the video clip accompanied by a beautiful Ukrainian song

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