(in Ukrainian language)
About Us
"Ukrainian People" is the leading Ukrainian language magazine in the USA. Written
by a team of Ukrainian and foreign journalists, the magazine serves Ukrainian
communities across North America.
The editorial policy supports the Ukrainian Diaspora of the world, democracy in
Ukraine and cultural events within the USA & Canada. The news pages offer a
general interest mix of political, economic and entertainment news.
Regular sections:
Chicago - Publications about Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Diaspora - A life of Ukrainian Diasporas in Illinois, USA, Canada and the world.
Ukraine - Publications about events and news in Ukraine.
Entertainment in Chicago - Art, ’Iheater, Music, Festivals, Nightlife, Gossip, and
Restaurant Reviews.
Issues per Year: 12
First Estimates Delivery: 4-6 weeks
Publishing Frequency: Monthly
Publisher Name: Universe Entertainment, Inc.